10 ways to stay secure this autumn

For us, autumn means walks in the fresh air and a great excuse to snuggle up with some home comforts. Unfortunately, it also means shorter days, and with darker evenings and longer nights come more security risks – according to Kent police*, burglaries do increase over autumn and winter.
To help keep your home and belongings secure and safe, here are 10 practical ways to help improve your home security this autumn.
- Get in the habit of checking all locks and windows, and setting your alarm (if you have one) before going to bed or leaving the house - even for short trips in daylight hours (particularly if it's a daily routine trip, like a school run).
- If you don't have an alarm, it's worth considering installing one. It's not that intrusive to your home and can be a good visual deterrent for thieves. Many systems will alert you (and the police) remotely if someone does break-in.
- Set timer lights if you're going to be out for the evening or away overnight. Having no lights on in the early, darker evenings is an obvious indication that no one's home.
- If it's an extended stay away, you could also ask a trusted neighbour to park on your drive occasionally to make it look like someone's coming and going.
- Exterior security lights with motion sensors are a great preventative measure. You can get easy-to-install solar-powered ones for under £50.
- Keep your garden hedges and trees trimmed - removing potential cover for any would-be intruders.
- Don't leave packaging of expensive-looking Items outside with the recycling, as this advertises their presence inside.
- Hide valuables from plain view through windows and keep the curtains drawn on the ground level at night.
- We know, it's easy to lose them, but try not to leave window or door keys in the lock (or visible on the windowsill) as all someone would need to do is smash the glass and turn the key to get in.
- While we hope you never need to make a claim, it’s also a good idea to check you have enough Contents Cover in place, just in case. Always remember to tell your insurer about any Specified Items too – if you have cover with esure, that’s anything worth over £1500, or bikes, including accessories, worth over £500. Don’t forget to make sure when you're estimating the amount of cover you need that you consider the full value of what it will cost to replace as new.
We hope you find these tips useful and they bring you some added peace of mind when it comes to keeping your home safe this season.
*Source: www.kent.police.uk/news/kent/latest/policing-news/keep-your-homes-safe-and-secure-this-winter/
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