
Home insurance


5 Star Defaqto rated Buildings and Contents cover

✓ New for old contents
✓ Unlimited buildings cover
✓ Alternative accommodation

For full details of cover and exclusions, please read our policy booklets.


Looking to get a quote from us for home insurance?

We're working on something new at the moment, which unfortunately means you can’t currently get a quote directly from our website. You can still find esure on major price comparison sites, so we hope to welcome you from there.


What does esure Home Insurance cover me for?


Buildings Insurance

How we can protect you and your home

✓ Alternative accommodation
Up to £75,000

✓ Unlimited buildings cover
Even if you need a rebuild your whole house

✓ Cover for locks and keys
Up to £1,000

✓ Property owner's liability cover
Up to a £2 million as standard 

Restrictions may apply, please refer to our
policy booklet.

Contents Cover

Contents Insurance

How we can protect your contents in your home

✓ New for old contents
We'll replace all covered items as new

✓ Garden contents
Up to £2,000, tools, plants or machinery

✓ Personal money
Up to £750 to cover loss or theft of cash

✓ Students cover
Up to £5,000 in university halls or boarding schools* 

✓ Special Events cover 
Up to an extra 15% of the contents sum insured**

✓ Home office equipment
Up to £10,000

These limits are included in and not additional to your sum insured.
Restrictions may apply, please refer to our
policy booklet.

*When not left vacant for more than 15 days. **Four weeks before and after a special event, such as a religious festival (up to 15% extra cover) and weddings/births (up to 10% extra cover).



What our customers say



Welcoming refugees

If you’ve stepped up to welcome a refugee into your home, we’ll treat them as family. That means that for the duration of the “Homes for Ukraine” initiative, taking in a refugee will not alter your home insurance policy and you don’t need to notify us that you’ve taken a refugee in. They’ll simply be treated in the same way we’d view any family members within your household.




Are you an existing esure Home Insurance customer?

When we issue your renewal quote, it will always be the same or less than the equivalent new customer price*

*The price you'd be given as a new customer if it was calculated using the same information available for your renewal quote (assuming the same cover details and sales channel).

Boost your cover


Family Legal Protection


Access to expert lawyers with up to £50,000 of legal costs cover for you and family. Events covered include employment tribunals, damages for personal injury, jury cover, and more.

If you ever use Family Legal Protection your No Claim Discount won’t be affected.


Home Emergency Cover

Home Emergency

Make one call to us and we'll arrange for a tradesman to visit your home and carry out emergency repairs.

Call-out charge, labour cost, parts and materials to a limit of £500 including VAT (subject to a £25 excess) are covered by esure.

If you do need to make a call out, No Claim Discount won’t be affected.


Personal Possessions Cover

Personal Possessions

Get your things covered when you take them outside your home. This is useful for helping to protect your jewellery, phone, and other valuable belongings you keep with you when you’re on the move.


Pest Cover

Pest Cover

No one wants to have to deal with an infestation and if you buy our pest cover you won’t have to. We cover exterminations up to £150 for wasps, hornet nests, mice, rats, and squirrels. Extermination cover is extended up to £200 for bedbugs.

If you ever use your pest cover, your No Claim Discount won’t be affected.



What’s the difference between buildings and contents insurance?


Buildings Insurance

Covers the actual structure of your home – including things like walls and windows, but can also extend to permanent fixtures like bathroom suites.

Please note; if you’re buying a home, you are likely to need buildings insurance in place when you get a mortgage (this is a condition for most mortgages).


Contents Insurance

Provides cover for any items in your home that aren’t part of the structure or fitted into your home – including things like furniture, TVs, home office equipment or items in the garden.

Please note; contents insurance isn’t required for a mortgage, but if you want cover for your belongings, you may want to consider having house insurance with both buildings and contents insurance.


Do I need to buy both buildings and contents insurance?

We can't give you a direct answer to this question as it all depends on your living arrangements and what you think you need. Buying both buildings and contents insurance provides you with cover that protects your home and your belongings.

Click here to display a table that shows what our buildings and contents cover includes


Type of Cover Amount you're covered for  Buildings Contents Buildings & Contents
Buildings sum insured Unlimited buildings cover - even if you need to rebuild your whole house, we'll cover it. green-tick


orange cross


Fixtures and fittings

We will replace sanitary fixtures or ceramic hobs if they get accidentally damaged.

Unlimited cover green-tick orange cross green-tick
Locks and keys Up to £1,000 cover if your keys are lost or stolen, you'll be covered for the cost of replacing them and installing locks on any external doors.




green-tick green-tick
Alternative accommodation Up to £10,000 on Contents only policies.
Up to £75,000 on Buildings only or combined Home Insurance policies.




Up to £10,000 green-tick
Damage caused by frozen and/or burst pipes Unlimited cover




green-tick green-tick
New for old cover
(We'll replace all covered items as new.)
Contents sum insured orange cross




Garden cover Up to £2,000 - covering items like tools, plants or machinery. (Restrictions apply - please see our policy booklet). orange cross




Special events cover Up to an extra 15% of the contents sum insured. We'll automatically raise your contents cover for up to four weeks before and after a special event, such as a religious festival (up to 15% extra cover) and weddings/births (up to 10% extra cover). orange cross




Freezer and fridge contents Up to £1,000 orange cross




Home office equipment Up to £10,000 orange cross







Jewellery Single items with a value below £1,500, plus any specified items at or above this value. orange cross




Personal money Up to £750


orange cross










What details do you need to get a quote?


If you’d like to get a quote for esure Home Insurance, be it buildings insurance, contents insurance, or both, there are some details you'll need to have to hand. You can get a quote from us on Compare the Market.

Once we’ve got these, we’ll use the information you tell us to work out any risk associated with insuring you, make a few assumptions about the property (e.g. that it’s your main residence, it’s made of brick, stone or concrete, and it’s in a good state of repair), then prepare a quote for you.

If the assumptions and information are correct, you can go ahead and pay for your policy.

Here are the details we’ll need:


1. Some personal information

To get started we’ll need your name, date of birth, phone number and occupation.

2. Your Postcode

This is so we can find the address of the property you’d like to insure.


3. Answers to a few questions about the history of your home and you as a homeowner

Things like, whether you’re a first-time buyer, whether your property’s ever been damaged by flood or subsidence, and whether any claims for loss or damage have been made by anyone living permanently at your address in the past three years.

4. Answers to a few questions about your property

Things like, what kind of property is it (e.g. a flat, terraced house), what year was it built, how many bedrooms does it have, and is it owned outright, mortgaged or rented?

5. Details about your cover

This will include whether you’d like any Optional Extras, what level of voluntary excess you want, the contents sum insured, and any specified items you’d like to add to your policy.


Frequently Asked Questions


Under your policy, you can make a claim for damage caused to your insured property and contents by escape of water from water tanks, pipes, fixed equipment, any domestic appliance, or fixed heating systems, or as a result of water freezing in water tanks, equipment or pipes.

If you have made an escape of water claim with a value over £10,000 while you're an esure customer, you will receive an endorsement at your next renewal which will increase the excess payable on your next escape of water claim to £1,000. However, this excess can be reduced back to £450 (in addition to any voluntary excess) if you have an approved water leak detection device installed and operating in your property at the time the escape of water damage occurs.

An approved water leak detection device is a device that can cut off the main water supply in your property if a leak is detected.

How much does home insurance cost?

This depends on a number of factors – like the location, whether you or anyone else at the address has made claims in the past, plus the value of your home and its contents. Insurers look at all kinds of things when considering how risky it is to insure you and the cost of the home insurance.

What’s accidental damage?

This is any damage that happens to your home or its contents that’s the direct result of a single, unexpected and unintended event (one not resulting from any of the other causes detailed in our Policy Booklet). Full Accidental Damage isn’t covered by esure Buildings Insurance or Contents Insurance as standard, but it can be added to your policy as an Optional Extra.

Is my mobile phone covered by esure Home Insurance?

While we do not offer standalone Mobile Phone Insurance, it could be covered under our Contents Insurance or our Personal Possession cover.

Is my bicycle covered by esure Home Insurance?

Yes, as long as it stays at your home it’s covered by our Contents Insurance. Please note, if your bicycle and accessories are worth over £500 as new you’ll have to name them as specified items in your policy. And, if you want it covered away from home, you should add our Personal Possessions cover.

What are high risk items and which ones do I need to specify?

High risk items include things like watches, jewellery, mobile phones, paintings, articles of silver, gold or other precious metals, collections of stamps, coins or medals, personal computer equipment and furs, that cost over £1,500. 

Am I still covered if I leave my home unoccupied over a holiday?

The answer’s yes if you’re going on a short holiday. However, if you plan on leaving your home unoccupied for 30 consecutive days, this will void a number of elements of your cover (take a look at our Policy Booklet for more details).

Does esure Home Insurance cover my child’s belongings while they’re at university?

Yes, if they’re a university student their belongings can be covered by our Contents Insurance if they are in university accommodation.

If I take things outside my home, does esure Contents Insurance still apply?

We only cover items that are kept in your home. If you’d like to protect them while you’re out and about, adding our Personal Possessions cover may be something you wish to consider.

Are leaks covered by esure Home Insurance?

Yes, they’re covered by our Buildings Insurance. If the structure of your home is damaged due to water escaping from your home’s water tanks, pipes, equipment or fixed heating systems, esure will cover the cost of finding the source of the leak and repairing what’s damaged as long as it's not classed as wear and tear.

Does esure Home Insurance cover my boiler?

Providing you select Home Emergency Cover as an Optional Extra, if your boiler breaks down and you’re left without hot water or heating we aim to cover it. That’s as well as if a boiler fault causes you to lose water pressure or causes a water leak.

Can I claim for fallen trees?

If a tree falls and damages your home or its contents, esure Home Insurance is designed to pay for any loss or damage caused. Saying that, if your home or contents are not damaged we won’t cover; the cost of removing a fallen tree or; any other damage caused.

Does esure Home Insurance cover rising damp?

Unfortunately not. Neither our Buildings Insurance nor Contents Insurance covers it as it’s considered normal wear and tear on your home.

Do I need home insurance if I’m renting?

Generally, your landlord will have buildings insurance for the structure of your home, but you may still want to have contents cover for your personal belongings. You may also want to look into getting Tenants’ Insurance, which we more commonly call, Contents Insurance.





Make a claim

Find out how to make a claim on your home insurance. We're here to support you when you need us the most

Policy information

If you want to find out more about our policy details please click on the link below

Home Insurance Hub

Learn more about our Home Insurance, our level of cover or available add-ons and how they can suit you.


Customer Support Hub – for our latest guidance and support, including information on our Covid-19 initiatives, please visit our dedicated Hub


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