


Keeping safe when driving on wet roads

driving on wet roads


You’ll have to drive slower than usual, and the roads might be congested, so you’ll need more time. Stay informed and check your route, you can use the Met Office to stay up to date with weather warnings.

Keeping safe when driving in snowy weather

driving in the snow


You should avoid driving unless absolutely necessary when there is snow and ice on the roads.

Keeping safe during the snow

keeping safe in the snow


It’s recommended that you service your boiler annually. If there’s a problem, it’s better to have it identified and sorted now, rather than have the boiler break down mid-winter.

Keeping safe during the storms

stay safe in the storms


Try not to leave chairs, tables, children’s toys, barbeques, and trampolines out in the garden over winter. They’ll be much better off inside–even if they’re kept in a shed or garage.

Winter Driving Tips

connected cars


So you don’t find yourself getting stuck in the snow or caught up in long tailbacks, we’ve put together some travelling tips to help keep you safe and hopefully on time!

10 Ways To Keep Your Home Safe in Autumn

keep your home safe in autumn


As autumn approaches, the days get shorter and darkness falls earlier. This can give more opportunity for thieves and bad weather to put your home at risk.

10 driving offences you didn't know were illegal

10 driving offences


We all know that we shouldn’t be speeding, drink driving or running a red light. But there are a number of other offences you may be committing without even knowing it.

Moving House Checklist

moving house checklist


You found the perfect place, your offer was accepted, and now all that’s left is… the whole process of moving house. While the task can seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be.

Driving With Dogs

driving with dogs


Ensuring your pooch is travelling safely is important to protect them and you if you have to stop suddenly. Many drivers are unaware that failing to do so can result in fines and license points as well as potentially invalidating insurance.
